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What is an Employer Pull Notice (EPN)?


The Employer Pull Notice (EPN) provides businesses with a quick method of tracking the driving records of employees.

Employers who enroll in the EPN program receive what is known as a requester code. Once the requester code is obtained, it is then added to the Drivers License record of the employee. When the DL is updated, all actions and activities will be recorded. An electronic check will be made in order to see if a pull notice is on file with the driver. A driver record will be mailed to the employer if the action/activity is one that must be reported under the EPN program.

The EPN gives your company access to monitor the DL records of employees who drive under your organization. Monitoring accomplishes the following:

  • Improves public safety.
  • Proves if each driver has a valid DL.
  • Uncovers hazardous drivers or driving behavior.
  • Assists in decreasing your liability.

Who needs to enroll in EPN?

  • You claim a Corporation, LLC, or Partnership, and your Motor Company activity requires drivers to hold Commercial Driver’s License or you utilize driver, use family, or the vehicles are driven by individuals from your entity.
  • If you are an individual; who has 2 or more vehicles and the last one of your vehicles requires the driver to hold a Commercial Drivers License

What Advantages Does It Serve For Employees?

Upon Registration, the EPN program will automatically create a driving record for each employee. Employers will have full access to an employee’s driving record at any given time:

  • The employee receives a conviction in relation to traffic.
  • An employee does not appear in court.
  • An employee gets into an accident.
  • The employee has their license suspended or revoked.
  • Any other action against the employee’s driving privilege.
  • The cost to the employer is minimal: To register an employee is only $5 per employee. Once registration is complete, the employer has to pay only $1 each time they get employees driving records from the DMV.

What Advantage Does It Have For The Public?

The EPN help improves public safety. Employees with a tarnished or hazardous driving record have a greater chance of being kept off the road and away from company cars. Understanding that an employee will be monitored helps to decrease traffic accidents and injuries

There is a requirement to enroll in the EPN program, let DOT Operating Authority help you in this process! For more information call us at (888) 669-4383!
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