File This Under More Opposition to President Donald Trump
LAUSD is the latest agency to refuse to include a letter signed by President Donald Trump in food boxes. The food boxes are provided by the federal government. In fact, the food boxes give aid families hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is really sad. He is our president whether the left, staunch Democrats like him or not. If it were Joe Biden instead, I bet they place a mini cardboard cut of him into the box. Then add a personalized letter with no hesitation or reservation.
Politicizing Relief Efforts For Food Boxes
The president’s letter would politicize the relief efforts of giving families aid. This is according to Austin Beutner, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, penned an open letter to Trump on Wednesday, Oct. 7. It seems Mr. Beutner is really not a fan of Donald Trump and he has to be one of the most hated presidents in U.S. history.
“I am writing to inform you Los Angeles Unified will not be including your proposed letter in the Families Food Boxes we’re providing to families as part of our community relief efforts,” Beutner stated in his letter to Trump. “The letter may be a violation of the Hatch Act and will further politicize the response to COVID-19.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is Team Donald Trump
Contrary to the vast majority of negative public opinion surrounding Donald Trump, it was the U.S. Department of Agriculture last month that began mandating that millions of boxes of food provided through the federal Farmers to Families Food Box Program include the Trump letter, which talks about serving “those most in need during this challenging time.”
Donald Trump is Trying to Help Americans with Food Boxes During the Pandemic
However, administration officials said criticism of the president’s letter is undeserved. Because Trump is only trying to distribute information Americans need to help make it through the pandemic, they said.