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What Is The Form OP-1(P) For?

The OP-1(P) is designated for Motor Carrier of Passengers. Before beginning interstate operations in the United States (U.S.), all authorized for-hire Motor Carriers of non-exempt property and passengers, Brokers, and Freight Forwarders based in the U.S. or Canada must obtain Operating Authority by submitting the appropriate form.

A more simple way to say it is that it allows you to transport or arrange for the transportation of passengers or property for compensation.

What Is The Difference Between a Motor Carrier and a Broker?

It is important to understand if you really need this form in order to operate. This is why it is important to understand the difference between a motor carrier and a broker, along with their duties. A motor carrier transports passengers or property for compensation. A broker is a person or an entity which arranges for the transportation of property by a motor carrier for compensation. Furthermore, a broker does not transport the property and does not assume responsibility for the property. All authorized for-hire Motor Carriers of non-exempt property and passengers, Brokers, and Freight Forwarders based in the U.S. or Canada must also obtain Operating Authority from the FMCSA.

Even though, they must obtain authority in order to operate, each one has their own form. This for is for Motor Carrier of passengers.

What Are The Steps In Getting Operating Authority?


    Application For Motor Property Carrier and Broker Authority

    FORM OP-1(P)

    Legal Business Name :

    Doing Business As (DBA) :

    Street Address :

    Billing Address :

    City :

    State :

    Zip :

    Telephone :

    USDOT Number :

    Form of Business :

    Sole Proprietorship (enter full name of individual)Corporation (enter state or province where incorporated)Partnership (enter full name and title of each partners)








    Public RecipientPrivate RecipientNon-recipient

    Scope of Operating Authority (check all that apply) :

    CHARTER AND SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION, in interstate or foreign commerce, between points in the United States.CHARTER AND SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION, between points in the United States, provided by United States - based enterprises owned or controlled by persons of Mexico.SERVICE OVER REGULAR ROUTES. (A regular route passenger carrier performs regularly scheduled service and is not required to submit specific regular routes.) Regular route passenger service includes authority to transport newspapers, baggage of passengers, express packages, and mail in the same motor vehicle with passengers, or baggage of passengers in a separate motor vehicleSERVICE OVER REGULAR ROUTES provided by United States - based enterprises owned or controlled by persons of Mexico. (A regular route passenger carrier performs regularly scheduled service and is not required to submit specific regular routes.)INTRASTATE AUTHORITY




    If you have any question regarding this form, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-669-4383. Our Representatives at DOT Operating Authority await your call and we will be more than happy to assist. 

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